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Our first visit in 2015

Last Thursday we took a trip down to Lymington to see Jorvik Rose for the first time this year and to meet with Robin and Matt to discuss the electrical system progress as they had some recommendations to make the system more effective. In addition to the ongoing new system installation (you can read about this on the electrical installation page) we are now adding an additional 110Ah battery to the 5 existing and reconfiguring to have a domestic bank of 6 and a seperate battery for the bow thruster, the engine and the generator.

The aft stainless steel drouge bridle attachement points are now fitted and look great and over-engineered, which is exactly what we need if we are ever in weather where we need to stream a drougue. The inner forestay deck plate is also installed, just pending the timber trim in the forward cabin. Various cabinet joinery is also completed and looks great, exactly what we ordered.

Oven installation

Right now Jorvik Rose looks a bit of a mess inside, although we can see that work is progressing. The old cooker is gone and the stove inset has been modified to fit the new stove, which is now pending installation.

Before Christmas, we also stripped out all of the headlining panels (96 in total) that are in need of recovering and refitting once the deck is done.

As soon as we get unpacked from our move, we will be able to get on with some of the outstanding work, for example recovering the headliner and also starting to work on the deck and the removal of approximately 2,500 screws...

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